NATO Virtual Manipulation Brief

Virtual Manipulation Brief 2024/1: Hijacking reality: the increased role of generative AI in Russian propaganda

Osavul has assisted the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence in publishing an extensive analysis of the strategic communication challenges and information warfare targeting NATO.

This comprehensive research highlights the narratives and tactics used to damage NATO’s reputation, providing critical insights into the sophisticated manipulation strategies.
testimonial quote
“This 4️th issue shows how widely AI tools are used to amplify campaigns and reduce production and distribution costs. Automated groups using Large Language Models (LLMs)are actively used to generate noise and scrape websites to repost political news content.”
Marie-Doha Besancenot about NATO virtual manipulation brief
Marie-Doha Besancenot
NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy
NATO virtual manipulation brief hijacking reality
Quote Testimonial
“The good news is that Osavul a portfolio company of SMRK VC, has built an AI that identifies disinformation that Russia uses to interfere in the information space of Ukraine and Western countries. One of the results is a publicly available brief in partnership with NATO.”
testimonial from Vlad Tislenko about Osavul
Vlad Tislenko
Partner at SMRK VC
Osavul and NATO created brief together

Event-Specific Analysis

Examination of how specific events and statements, influence narrative spikes.

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Techniques and Impact

AI spread disinformation

Techniques and Case Studies

Detailed examination of AI algorithms used to spread false information.

international security

International Security

Impact of emerging digital tools on national and international security landscapes.

identifying bots

Identifying and Countering Bots

Detailed process of detecting inauthentic behavior and bot networks.

Risk Prevention

Coordinated Communication Efforts

Emphasizes the importance of unified strategies among NATO members.

economic risks prevention

Analysis of Coordinated Groups

Methods to identify and validate coordinated disinformation efforts.

international security

Media's Role

Analysis of media influence on public perception, including strategic use of narratives.

More Findings

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Narratives Used Against NATO: Analysis of key narratives such as NATO being an aggressor, internal disunity, moral decay, dependency on the US, and perceived ineffectiveness.
Event-Specific Analysis: Examination of how specific events and statements, influence narrative spikes.
Cross-Language Integration: Utilizing "search by similarity" to integrate similar messages across different languages and platforms.
CIB: We paid special attention to coordinated groups on social media, identifying bots through inauthentic behavior patterns and validating results with detailed metrics.

Download Report Now

The Osavul team is proud to be at the forefront of global disinformation combat and AI technology exploration and invites those engaged in security studies, media strategy, or policy-making to delve into this essential resource. You can download the report from the official NATO StratCom website by clicking the button below.

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NATO Virtual Manipulation Brief 2024/1
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