Russian Disinformation Strategies | What Is Russian Disinformation

In today’s overwhelmingly interconnected world, the challenge that disinformation presents to democratic institutions, international stability, and overall public trust is a very significant one. Disinformation refers to the deliberate spreading of any misleading or outright false information, and whilst it is by no means a ‘new’ phenomenon, the scope and impact that it can have has been drastically amplified by the rise of the many digital communication platforms. Having an understanding of disinformation is a vital element in being able to develop effective measures to counter it, thus preserving the integrity of previously trusted information ecosystems.

russia disinformation

Introduction to Russian Disinformation as a Global Issue

There is no arguing with the fact that Russian disinformation has long emerged as one of the most pervasive and sophisticated global issues in the modern age, using state-provided resources to sow discord, influence public opinion, and generally undermine the political stability of any targeted country. 

This is a strategy that is commonly referred to as hybrid warfare, hybrid in the sense that it blends a degree of traditional military power with specialized nonmilitary tools like cyber warfare, psychological manipulation, and information operations.

What is Russian Disinformation?

As briefly noted above, disinformation is generally defined as the deliberate spreading of false information with the intention of deceiving persons or wider populations. Something important to note is that is different from misinformation, which instead is inaccurate information that has been shared without any malicious intent.

The key characteristic of disinformation is that it is shared with intentionality, to manipulate opinions and emotions, and of reaching as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, across various platforms.

The historical roots of Russian disinformation can be traced back to the height of the Soviet era when it was employed during the Cold War period as a means of promoting Soviet ideology to discredit the country’s Western adversaries. The climate within the country is equally as troubling, with reports of perceived ‘dissent’ leading to harsh consequences for Russian citizens as well. 

Techniques termed under the umbrella of ‘dezinformatsiya’ involved placing several fake stories and fabricated documents to create levels of confusion and distrust among their enemies. As one would expect, this range of tactics has since evolved to keep up with the constantly changing technology landscape, and as a result, modern Russian disinformation is as hard to detect and sophisticated as it has ever been.

Key Goals and Objectives Behind Russian Disinformation

The primary goals of any Russian disinformation that gets disseminated usually involve:
- Undermining the established trust in the democratic institutions and processes that are being targeted.
- Creating divisions within targeted societies and between established allies.
- Promoting narratives that are most favorable to Russian geopolitical interests at any given time.
- Distracting and misleading the international responses to any contemporary Russian actions that have taken place.

Popular Disinformation Strategies and Tactics

Social Media Manipulation and Bot Networks

Social media platforms are without doubt one of the most fertile breeding grounds for Russian disinformation campaigns, purely due to the vast reach and influence that can be achieved. Russian operatives will frequently use both fake accounts and bot networks to amplify their misleading content, creating the illusion of large-scale support for specific viewpoints, and attacking any dissenting voices in the mix. Such tactics are very effective in distorting political discourse, swaying public opinion, and exacerbating apparent social divisions.

Fake News and Fabricated Stories

A central tactic of Russian disinformation is the creating and disseminating of ‘fake news’. This term refers to the sharing of fabricated stories, usually with very sensational headlines, that have the intention of misleading the public and creating confusion, with the ultimate aim of bringing to light narratives that align with current Russian interests. This fake news will be found across websites, social media platforms, and sometimes even the mainstream media.

Cyberattacks and Hacking

Cyberattacks are carried out to steal, destroy, or manipulate sensitive data, as well as disrupt communication networks, and damage trust in existing digital systems. The most high-profile examples of this kind of strategy include breaches of government databases or political party emails.

Influence Operations and Propaganda

So-called influence operations consist of slightly more subtle tactics to shape behaviors and perceptions. Media outlets like RT and Sputnik, state-controlled media that present themselves as legitimate sources of news, are used to push Kremlin-created and approved narratives to spread ‘official agendas’.

Use of State Controlled Media

And this leads to the wider use of state-controlled media outlets being used by the Russian government as the mouthpieces for all and any kind of fake news or disinformation that they want to spread, based on current interests and affairs.

Countries Most Affected


Ukraine has been one of the primary targets of Russian disinformation, particularly since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Numerous Russian campaigns have been enacted to destabilize the country, influence public opinion against it, and discredit its vulnerable government. A notable example of this can be found in the spreading of fake narratives concerning the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 after it was shot down over a part of Eastern Ukraine in 2014. Russia immediately set out to blame Ukraine for the incident, despite there being overwhelming evidence that the real blame lay at the feet of Russian-supported separatists.

European Union

Russia has also continually attempted to disrupt relations in the EU with campaigns aimed at weakening the union’s unity, having influence over various elections, and creating overall political instability.  

How to Fight Russian Disinformation

Importance of Media Literacy and Public Awareness

A multifaceted approach is very much required when it comes to combating disinformation. One of the most crucial elements is increasing media literacy and public awareness on a wider scale, making people and organizations aware of the various tactics at play, how to recognize them for what they are, and how to limit their impact.

Role of Governments and International Organizations

Both governments and international organizations need to be playing a vital role in countering disinformation that directly affects them. This should include steps like implementing strict policies to support independent journalism, protect the integrity of information, and prompt better transparency within media ownership.

Technological Solutions

Introduction to OSAVUL’s Disinformation Detection Tool

Given the prominence of the digital in today’s world, it makes sense that technological solutions are the most essential in fighting against disinformation. The
detection tools that have been developed by OSAVUL are designed to be able to identify and analyze the spreading of false narratives online. A combination of advanced algorithms and machine learning works to analyze data from various sources, detect the patterns of disinformation, and flag content that is believed to be suspicious.

How the Tool Works and Its Effectiveness

The OSAVUL tool works by scanning chosen news websites, social media platforms, and more for any indicators of disinformation. Factors are assessed including the origin of the information, the consistency of the content with facts, and the reputation and quality of the networks that are promoting it. The effectiveness of the process lies in the tool’s ability to process huge amounts of data very quickly, along with providing real-time feedback and alerts.


To summarize, is it absolutely essential to be able to understand and combat Russian disinformation in this growing and expanding digital age. These strategies are some of the most multifaceted and sophisticated in the world right now, with any country being a potential target, and this means that widespread media literacy and public awareness, along with the use of enhanced tools like those offered by OSAVUL, are vital in protecting societies from insidious attacks.

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