How Does North Korea's Propaganda Affect the World?

Propaganda is defined as misinformation that is used to promote a certain political party or point of view. The propaganda North Korea uses is chosen to paint the country and its dictatorship in a positive light, despite the problems the nation and its citizens face.

Officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is a highly secretive country and has been mostly closed off to The West since the armistice that ended the Korean War (1950-1953).

Under the leadership of first, Kim Jong Il and then his son and successor, Kim Jong Un, it has created a powerful propaganda machine to put a positive spin on the dictatorship in North Korea as a way to influence both the country’s own citizens and people across the globe. The goals of North Korean propaganda are to make the country look prosperous and strong, while demonizing nations that are not allies, most notably South Korea and the United States.

Understanding the impact and reach helps answer the question of, “What is propaganda like in North Korea?” The answer is vital for counter acting the propaganda in North Korea in continued efforts at international stability.

North Korea propaganda

Propaganda: A Global Issue for the Last 100 Years

Propaganda isn’t a new concept. It has been used for hundreds of years as a strategy for creating perceptions regarding politics. While there are examples from ancient times, it was the 20th century that saw major participation on a global scale.

Both World Wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) saw a huge uptick in the way global propaganda was formulated and spread. Its messages were used to mobilize targeted groups of people, insult the enemy, underline the reasons for war/aggression, and in more recent times, justify war crimes and other questionable actions. The war years saw the development of mass media that made it easier to spread propaganda far and wide. The rhetoric of Adolf Hitler was a demonstration of the power of propaganda both at home and abroad.

When the United States and the Soviet Union clashed during the Cold War, propaganda was a crucial tool for both sides. Both countries used it to promote their political ideologies while casting negativity and discord on the other side.

This proves how propaganda has the power to shape an entire community’s views and perceptions about what’s happening in the world. Most recently, the internet and social media platforms have made it easier than ever to spread propaganda, often in the form of fake news. According to Oxford University, more than 93 percent of countries use misinformation as part of their political strategy. The goal is to influence public opinion in other nations by

 influencing election results
 creating conflict
 contributing to the state of international relations.

The North Korea's Propaganda Abroad

North Korean propaganda is spread far and wide, aiming to influence the world’s view of the country and its leadership, as well as to seek support from sympathizers. It’s also designed to undermine the nation’s enemies. The propaganda North Korea spreads is done in several ways.

 Media run by the state - the most well-known state-run media site is the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), along with the newspaper titled Rodong Sinmun. Both produce content that gives glory to the country and is often reported on by the media in other countries, both for analysis and to report what’s happening in North Korea. 

 Cultural diplomacy - the propaganda of North Korea uses diplomacy as it creates a positive image of itself. They allow entertainers to travel out of the country and have sports teams that compete with other countries.

 Cyber operations - North Korea propaganda conducts information warfare online, hacking into news sites, creating false social media profiles, and carrying out cyberattacks, all to plant false information and disrupt international relations. 

 Create diaspora groups - consulates and embassies in North Korea interact with diaspora communities to encourage the spreading of propaganda materials and to monitor these groups to be sure they aren’t speaking negatively about the regime.

Countries Most Affected by North Korea's Propaganda

While all countries have the potential to be damaged by North Korean propaganda, some are specific targets. 

 South Korea - much of the propaganda North Korea spreads aims to undermine the South Korean government and society by making them look bad, while simultaneously glorifying North Korea and its operations. North Korea propaganda has even gone so far as to broadcast to South Korean soldiers across the Demilitarized Zone. 

 United States - North Korea and the United States have long butted heads about government and many other topics. North Korea anti-American propaganda often calls the US an imperialist country and spreads fake news about its mission to destroy North Korea, often in an attempt to justify its nuclear campaign.

 Japan - North Korea propaganda aimed at Japan is due to territorial disputes that date back generations. It tends to highlight Japan’s past war crimes in the hopes of turning other countries against Japan, as well as justifying its use of missiles against Japan. 

 China - China is one of North Korea’s main allies, but that doesn’t stop them from aiming propaganda that calls China disloyal to ensure that it continues to financially and diplomatically support North Korea.

The Importance of Combating North Korea's Propaganda

There are solid arguments to battle North Korea Propaganda, with some of the top being listed here. This isn’t an exhaustive list but offers up the top reasons why propaganda can be so damaging on the global stage:

 National security - propaganda is created to spread conflict and misinformation, which can weaken the trust placed in the targeted government. Effective counterattacks against North Korea propaganda are vital for protecting the world from political destabilization.

 Human rights - North Korea has a long list of purported human rights violations and its propaganda is designed to make it look better than it is and to glorify the nation that carries out such violations. Countering these actions is important for creating awareness and protecting the human rights of every world citizen regardless of nationality. 

 International stability - propaganda works to increase conflict and discord among nations, which exacerbates issues. Battling North Korea propaganda reduces the risk and encourages stability among countries. This is just a small amount of evidence of the detrimental effects of propaganda, with North Korea relying on it to promote their government and agenda, while also demonizing those they don’t agree with and who are not allies of the nation.

Awareness is vital and using the right technology and tools is a big step in ensuring that propaganda is recognized and countered before it causes devastating damage.

Osavul: A Tool for Monitoring North Korean Propaganda

Osavul is a solution for North Korea propaganda monitoring and is a program designed to monitor and analyze what North Korea is doing regarding its propaganda campaign. Using sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence, Osavul tools track messaging from North Korea spread on social media platforms, state-run media sites, and online forums. Its main functions include:

 Analyzing content - Osavul scans and reads propaganda, looking for themes, patterns, targets, and narratives, which helps highlight the regime’s policies and strategies so they can be understood and fought against.

 Monitoring trends - tracking trends over time lets Osavul technology look for changes in the regime’s methods, alerting stakeholders to new threats and opportunities. 

 Mapping networks - by creating a map of where propaganda is spread, Osavul helps find the primary distribution channels and influence so appropriate countermeasures can be employed. 

 Analyzing sentiment - analyzing the sentiment created from propaganda to find what kind of emotional effects it creates. This creates a vision of how it influences various demographics. 

Osavul is a highly effective tool for monitoring propaganda coming out of North Korea, giving insight to governments, organizations, and researchers, making it easier to disseminate false information and create an accurate picture of North Korea for the world to see.


North Korea’s propaganda campaign is intimidating and scary and extends far around the world. When there’s an understanding of the methods used and the impact that propaganda has, the rest of the world is in a better position to counterattack it. This is important for minimizing the damage that could occur and ensures that accurate and unbiased information is being shared far and wide.

Osavul is a critical tool for making this work because it collects and analyzes data, and provides valuable insight, while also working to protect global security. Fighting propaganda, from North Korea and elsewhere, is an ongoing issue, and staying vigilant remains a necessary step for staying informed and protecting the world as a whole.

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